Thursday, May 12, 2011

Prophets, Madmen and Genius

I'm linking off this article for your consideration:

I so understood the social attitudes described in this article.



  1. How to Build a Schizophrenic Computer

    To try to understand how schizophrenia affects the brain, scientists tweaked a computer system until it began to exhibit the same symptoms as a schizophrenic human mind. The results point to a new idea about how this condition in the brain could arise.

  2. I felt the main point of the article was perspective on how interpret extreme mindsets. It is mainly an article the deal with the sociology of the presence of people with unorthodox or conventional states of mind. it pointed out both the levels of prejudice and aversion of some societies toward such individual, and then how some societies value such individuals for their innovations and ability to remain unaffected and un-conformed to the convention reality. The breakthrough potential is brought out as well, in that these people can sometimes take the society with them to new levels and paradigms.

    This itself is one of the intentions of my own book, to show a truer and more valid paradigm of such things as the faith, the value of thinking outside of convention, the prejudice of society toward such individuals, and the error of such prejudices.

    Indeed, one of my earliest intention expressed to you Loren, was to present a paradigm of the Faith that you are not familiar with, which would basically present you with a new starting point that was utterly foreign to your Baptist background. I was proposing in a word, "innovation " to your view of the faith, which I felt was infinitely truer and potentially reconcilable for you. Unfortunately you are strongly conditioned and still habitually using fundy reference points to critique the faith, and you never really were able to open up to my ideas without the overt social prejudices coming out in you own expression and personal resistance.

    I intended for you therefore to read the article and try to assess your own responses of the degree of whether that you see value and feel openness, or the responses of the fundy / schizo response that you tend to exhibit. I think you are failing to see the other side of the coin because of your comfort level in fundy / schizo interpretations of the faith and extreme experiences and mindsets.

    The measure of response any individual has with innovation is a deeply personal matter with many personal factors. Some people are more receptive to innovations and others tend to ferociously protect the accepted conventions, even if they protest them, in order to maintain the battlefield in a conventional paradigm.

    Your reference to the schizo computer is itself an example of what the article is actually discussing, which is the prejudicial view of extreme mindsets. So you showed no sign of any breakthrough in posting your response. My challenge for you personally Loren, is to get past this knot in your stock, and open up to other possibilities with an eye for the potential benefits of the innovative contribution.

  3. The History of The Cross
    Vatic 01-25-10 : The reason i find this groups contributions boring, is the same as when I first came to this forum. The forum consist of a group of anti God loonies that were engaging with glee in baiting fundies like a bunch of maniacs. The group, who's points were the worst examples of reason and shallow insight I had up to that point ever witnessed, and the juvenile antics that reminded me of adolescents, made me realize that the forum was not actually a Bible discussion, but a manifestation of shared emotional problems.

    CBB : I consider the above quote by you as an act of war in our Bible forum, and I am not famous for taking prisoners, so you cannot expect me to be giving you anything but continual ridicule and contempt from now until the second coming.

    If you get down on your hands and knees and bark like a dog, I might consider forgiveness, but don't count on it.

  4. Vatic : Prophets, Madmen and Genius

    CBB : The title is interesting......

    You are demonstrably NOT a Prophet. You have yet to show us anything at all in that department after years of requests in our Bible forum, CBED.

    You are demonstrably NOT a Genius. It is a fact that you had to take a remedial science class in the summer of 1977 just to graduate from high school. Smoking all that dope did nothing to help your academic situation. You have risen through the ranks to now be a truck driver. Congratulations.

    You ARE a Madman who hears voices that others cannot hear. You see visions that others cannot see. Your parents had you committed to a mental hospital where professionals diagnosed you as being schizophrenic.

    Nice Blog.

  5. V: I'm delighted that you find this interesting Loren. Here you have an acessment process of what you think of me personally. I knew you have this internal process, which brings me back to the point of posting a link to this article. The article itself is expressly about the process of how we individually and socially access individuals such as myself. It was my hope that you in particular would read the article carefully and compare what is states about the acessment processes of innovative individuals with extrme mental states and experiences, to how you personally go about making your accessments. I think you will find much of it describes exactly what takes place in your mind, as well as alternative accessment modes and models.

    In reading the article, I think you will find it meets rigorous scholarly standards and is a worthy read for self improvement and knowledge. I think its points should impact you in a positive way in our particular relationship to each other.
