Saturday, February 12, 2011

CSA 2010 tyranny

Jerome: I think non violent resistance to oppression by an elected government is a moral and preferred solution.

V: Jerome, something that has been bugging truckers and the scales of justice need leveling, is the CSA 2010 regulations. It is a reporting system imposed upon the trucking industry in which the Drivers have no due process and are considered guilty if reported. Check into it, because it is oppression, I say it's illegal, and is causing damages to Truckers in that opportunities are being denied them on the basis of the snitch system. This shades of Facism Modus Operandi stuff has got to be ended for remedy and the protection of American values. The Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) is fighting it. I think the American Trucking Association is also fighting it. But all Americans should be fighting the implementation of a snitch system in which there is no due process before penalty is imposed.


  1. Passive resistance against any organization, including the United States Government, that is oppressive and cares nothing for the people it governs is to be preferred over insurgency and open civil war. What worked to get the British out of India will work just about anywhere.

  2. Jerome: I have no idea about this situation.

    V: As an American this should interest you. However I'm going to appeal to your self interest and propose a class action lawsuit.

    I recently apllied to a company and they declined to hire me because they said my CSA 2010 report showed 13 violations. I'm not sure how serious I was about changing jobs anyhow, but that isn't the point. The real point is that I haven't had any convictions in a court of law, nor paid and fines except for 1 speeding ticket in OH. but keep that to yourself. I have now suffered real damages as a result of being considered guilty of something without due process of law. Sp just for the pure satisfaction of it, and a cut of the settlements for violations of rights. I can steer literally hundreds of truckers your way who have damges as s result of lost opportunities, loss of employment and other things as a result of CSA reporting. I can also steer many companies your way who have suffered loss of operations as a result of CSA reporting.

    As far as I'm concerned jerome, unless I've been found guilty of someting in a court of law, that isn't anything to report.

  3. V: Here you go Jerome. I just got an trucking company owner who want's to join on a class action suit. He just told me his horror story and wants to give you his E-mail address.
    His name is Mike Fritch.

    Update: Well Jerome, the guys just asked me if you were going to contct him. I just smiled and said you might, but probably not. He just grinned at me. I'm not saying this is a lawyer joke, but something was amusing.
    Hee hee heee..

  4. Jerome: Who is CSA?

    V: It is an acronym shortened from the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration). That organization has gone utterly brain dead under Obama thus far, but thankfully Obama has ordered a review of all government departments to excise all counterproductive and useless regulations that inhibit business and trade, under the pressure of a down economic situation. Notice Obama talking about Ronald Reagan lately? Obama is wising up. But that is another topic. I'm thinking about contacting Obama and asking for the head spot at the FMCSA for the sake of the economy and to prevent a trucker revolt against Obama ala go EGYPT on him. Truckers are pretty serious about the prospect of being driven out of their livelyhoods, and I expect some real angst and "disgruntledness" from truck drivers, if the CSA 2010 oppression and tyranny is allowed to go into full force.

  5. What I am proposing Jerome, is that our prong of the counter assault against the CSA 2010 Regulations be a civil rights issue showing violations of the rights of due process and the unbearable burden and damages inflicted on ordinary drivers to pursue their occupation. Other groups can handle other aspects of the insane policy.

  6. How about this obstructionism to rectifying errors on a personal CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability) report?

    "Question: How do I find my personal CSA 2010 score?
    Answer: In regard to your request, we cannot access your specific CSA 2010 score. This information is only available to employers at the present time. The FMCSA restricts access due to the very private nature of the information."

    What are we going to have to do? File a demand under the Freeedom of Information Act or something? Stinking lousy bureaucratic leeches!

    Everything is weighted against the people most affected. The truck drivers. I'm feeling like having a Boston Tea Party if this attempt at oppression is persisted in. It is the right and duty of the people to abolish oppressive powers.
