Excerpt from my book:
"Then it occurred to me that God is the most power that exists, if he really does exists. So I surmised that God might exist and decided to try praying to him. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by just giving a prayer to God a try, so I went with it. In my mind I thought about God having a reputation for holiness and thought of my unworthiness to approach such a being, if He actually existed. Yet God also had a reputation for being there for those in need, worthy or not, so I decided such a God might listen to me. So without drawing attention to myself, I quietly lowered my face toward the floor and prayed within my thoughts, knowing telepathy was real.
I spoke to God: “God, if you are there, you are the most powerful thing that exists. I need your help. You can see these invisible beings are making me sick and bothering me. It isn’t right what they are doing. I want to ask you that you would come and drive these evil things away from here. I ask you in Jesus’ name. Amen”
I raised my eyes and instantly the air was clear. The beings were gone and I knew God had driven them away. I didn’t even care what happened to them. I was just grateful that God answered me and came to my rescue.
Suddenly there was a profound realization: GOD REALLY EXISTS! Then another realization came to me: I had no more excuses concerning God’s existence, and all this living right stuff."
The most important point in this excerpt from my book is: "I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by just giving a prayer to God a try, so I went with it."
Bryson, I'm glad you shared this post from your book.. it is a very telling post... let me explain. First, you stated that before you even prayed to God, that it occurred to you about the attributes of God... that if God really did exist, all the things that this God was reputed to have and do. So you were simply beginning as most people have from the traditions of men, from what someone else had told you and nothing that came directly from God.
ReplyDeleteThen you titled this blog a "sinners' prayer" but who told you that you were a sinner in the first place? Man or God? Why would you ask these things in Jesus name in the first place other than as a result of traditions that taught you to pray in this manner??
Why would have asked God to remove these things from you in the first place.... when you could have just removed them yourself? Or had someone also convinced you that you didn't have the power to get rid of them yourself??
The next question I'd like to ask you is this... do you believe that having someone else do what you have stated here, and yet pray to Mother Nature, or something other than God, and what they asked for was done... would that prove to you when they told you about this.. that whatever they prayed to really existed? Should you telling us here this post from your book be evidence to anyone that God exists?
Denise: First, you stated that before you even prayed to God, that it occurred to you about the attributes of God... that if God really did exist, all the things that this God was reputed to have and do. So you were simply beginning as most people have from the traditions of men, from what someone else had told you and nothing that came directly from God.
ReplyDeleteV: I fail to see any problem with drawing upon the testimonies of others about their experiences with God. For me, it was fortunate that I had those testomonies in my heart and was able to venture forming a prayer to God.
Denise: Then you titled this blog a "sinners' prayer" but who told you that you were a sinner in the first place? Man or God?
V: From my present understanding, in reflection upon my youth, I understand that I was a sinner. I probably understood it as well then considering that I knew the reputation of God as Holy and a judge of humanity. Nevertheless that important point is that in my humility in calling upon God, he was gracious and answered me even though I was in a state unlike the image of God, but was just a sinner. Isn't that really the whole point, that even a sinner that calls upon God in ernest sincerity, can receive a gracious response from God?
Denise: Why would you ask these things in Jesus name in the first place other than as a result of traditions that taught you to pray in this manner??
V: I had assumed that if God existed, that Christianity would be the right religion. That assumption was probably conditioning expressing itself on me. But there is still the real possibility that somehow, the agency of God was sublimely impressing upon me that it was proper to believe in Jesus in respect of God.
Denise: Why would have asked God to remove these things from you in the first place.... when you could have just removed them yourself?
V: The situation that existed was quite mind bending with incorporial beings manifesting as sparks and lewd homosexuials. I was very quickly labored with dealing with their presenses, yet they were persistent and I didn't know how to compel them to leave. I was weak in the situation, but I called upon a mighty God, and recieved a deliverance from those demons of homosexual propogation. I wonder why you make the assertion or assumption that I could make them do anything.
Denise: The next question I'd like to ask you is this... do you believe that having someone else do what you have stated here, and yet pray to Mother Nature, or something other than God, and what they asked for was done... would that prove to you when they told you about this.. that whatever they prayed to really existed?
V: It is too hypothetical to deal with Denise. I have stated a true testimony. I have not found anyone saying they prayed to mother nature to banish demons of homosexuality, much less staing that it worked. The only real point is that I prayed to God in truth, and was answered in truth, and the truth of that situation speaks volumes for itself. As a testimony of God, it has the impact of being stated as a true testimony. A person can take it or leave it of course. But I am compelled to state the truth of how things took place.
Denise: Should you telling us here this post from your book be evidence to anyone that God exists?
V: Testimonies are accepted as evidence ina court of law. So I would hope that people would hear the testimony and be persuaded to consider God. It is my intention to share God in this manner, and my hope that people take the testimony as a sign pointing them in that direction.
Yes, I understand that you and many others don't seem to have a problem drawing upon the words of another... but does not the bible state that from the beginning the commandment of God to man was that he was not to partake of the knowledge of good and evil from another? Is not the reason that we have so many people today still following so many of these traditions is because they have drawn them out from the testimony of others.. from hearkening to the voice of another about these things and then believed them to be true and created in their own mind the images and perceptions of all of this from hearkening to the voice of another about them in the first place?
ReplyDeleteThe point here though again Bryson is that this was your own understanding of things as a result of you hearkening to the voice of another about these things, and of which you had never at this point heard from God about pertaining to yourself or anyone else... and the reputation that you had of God as well came from the same source... hearkening to the voice of another, and allowing what another told you about God to formulate a reputation about God and God's attributes from a source other than from GOD directly.
ReplyDeleteNo.. the point here is and what needs to be understood is that from the opening pages of the bible it states that God spoke to man and all that God created. There was an ability not only to hear this God but to know what it is that this God is saying for one to do and not to do.. from God.. and a commandment from this same God to man that he was not to take any of these things from any other voice... any other person... or thing.. other than God directly.
Your understanding of all of this came to you the same way that so many others have come to it... by hearsay.. by hearkening to the voice of another on all of this.. including the point that you were a sinner.. and what attributes that this God has or doesn't have and in comparison to it your own.
What has brought all of this sin into the world..from the writings in the bible.. is because man has hearkened to the voice of another on all points.. including God ... and has passed on these traditions of hearkening to the voice of another on all of them.. including one being a sinner.. and none of this ever came from the mouth of God to you or anyone else. It was all simply passing on the tradition of the serpent in the garden, beguiling man to believe about himself and this God something that this God never said to them or about them in the first place.
So it's not about "even a sinner that calls upon God".. it's about understanding that one is not a sinner... never has been... and won't ever be until and unless one hears that from the very mouth of God to him in the first place.. and he will not know any reputation of God or the attributes of God from any other source other than GOD either.
Yes, precisely what I'm referring to here... these were all assumptions... based on traditional teachings and the influences of your cultural conditioning being expressed in you. Then you added upon that assumption the same tradition regarding this Jesus as well.. and prayed in the know of someone that you did not know... and had no first hand knowledge or experience with at all... only as a result of assumptions.
ReplyDeleteSo this is where you get all the hostility that you have within you against homosexuals? It was a demon within yourself that you had to ask God to deliver you from that you could not and did not have the power to make leave from you that was bothering you.
ReplyDeleteNow.. since we have already established that all of this was assumptions that you were making based on the conditioning of your own mind about God and Jesus that came from another source to you... other than from God directly... do you not think that your own conditioning of mind was the result of why you seen these beings as being in need of being compelled to leave you in the first place? Had you not already formulated in your own thinking and understanding as a result of the conditioning that these were evil and needed to leave you alone?
Next, you made the assumption yourself of all of this... about God... about the beings.... and about Jesus... and yet you also made an assumption as well that you could NOT make them do anything yourself. So if you could assume that God could do something... why did you not assume that you could handle it yourself? What made you assume that these were demons of homosexuality.... and that they were in need of being compelled to leave.... and to call upon the assumption of a might God to deliver you from them.. and in the assumption of doing so in the name of Jesus??? If you were able and willing to make all of these assumptions about all of this... why did you assume that you did not have power over these things that came from your own assumptions as well?
No.. not really Bryson... because it is the assumption in your own mind as a result of the conditioning of Christianity in the first place that caused you to formulate an assumption about the demons of homosexuality that you needed to have banished from you.... and the conditioning of God and Jesus and prayer to this God in the name of this Jesus to begin with. If you had not had all this conditioning in your own mind.... then there would have been no reason for you to have first assumed they were demons.. or that mother nature or any other source could not have helped you... nor would you have prayed restrictively to God in Jesus' name if all the conditioning and the assumptions/distinctions had not been created in your own mind about all of this BEFORE hand.
ReplyDeleteYou are stating a truth that is based upon assumptions as a result of conditioned thinking on all of these things in the first place. This is the truth that you are sharing.. and personally I'm glad that you are and glad to see that you're doing it so candidly. For it is only the demons that are created in the mind... from those conditioned traditions.... that then needs to have a redeemer from them... also in the mind as well. It is not a testimony of God Bryson.. it is a testimony of the far reaching extent to which the mind can go and will go when subjected to conditioning and influences either forced upon it from early childhood, or upon entire nations of people through traditions and intimidation and influence.
When one creates evil in his own mind.. it is also his own mind that must create the redeemer from that evil.... and the need of it only comes about as a result of what has been first conceived within the mind, and then believed to be true.
Why do you suppose that the writers of whoever wrote the opening pages of the bible make a point to state that this God commanded man not to partake of knowledge of good and evil from another source.... not to hearken to the voice of another... that in the day that one does.. one would surely did..... and that this God blocked the way to the tree of life to keep the man doing so from living his entire life under this influence and thinking in his own mind as a result of hearkening to the voice of another?
Why do you suppose the writers of the book of Genesis shows that the condition of man did not change. he was naked before ... and naked after... that the only thing that is shown to have changed was his own perception of himself... and then because of that perception... he hid himself and began to blame others for his actions? What do you suppose is the reason that the writer shows that this God went looking for that man and asked him what was going on? Then after the man started saying all that he that thought in his own mind about all that had been done.... this God says "who has told you this"?
The bible outlines in the book of Genesis what you are explaining here in your book. That when a man hearkens to the voice of another... regarding God... Jesus... or anything else.... (the knowledge of good and evil) from any other source other than what is within him...... that it will cause his own mind to start creating a perception that will then compel him to do all sorts of things as a result of his hearkening to the voice of another about all of it in the first place... and he will wind up bring misery, shame, guilt, sin and a lot more into his world as a result.
Now be honest a moment here and tell me ... do you really think that if you had never heard of God, of Jesus or of the bible... nor of the supposed evils of homosexuality, and demons and the rest...and hearkened to the voices of another on these points to begin with... that you would have been through any of this in your own life... and would be seeing all of this in the world today that you see as a result of that?
Yes, Vatic, testimonies that can be confirmed are accepted in a court of law... however... there are a lot of factors that go into having a person come and give a testimony, and whether it will be accepted or not. One of which has to be the credibility of the witness and the relevance of the testimony that they want to give.
ReplyDeleteBut now I'd like to ask you this... why in the world in light of what you know that the bible states, which is where your understanding and assumptions/reputation/attributes of this God all come from.... which is hearkening to another voice even on that part as well...... why would you knowing this... continue to repeat what the bible states that man was not to do from the beginning? Do you not realize that for you to be telling anyone about God, or about Jesus or what your own personal experiences are or are not... in hopes of getting them to consider God and pointing them in a direction toward what your understanding of God is all about.... is simply doing the same thing that the bible states that the serpent did in the beginning..... and rejecting what the bible states that this God did for man and all things from their very "creation"?
Does the bible not state that from the very "creation" of all that was attributed to have been created by this God that this God spoke to all things... giving them instruction on what they were to do ... or not to do... from their very "creation"? Now if you are willing to take so much of the other parts of all these assumptions and traditional teachings about God, Jesus etc.... from the pages of the bible as well... then why have you totally ignored what was from the beginning? Why do you reject what the bible says that Jesus said about sharing with people the mystery that had been hidden from them from the beginning? Was not that mystery that this God spoke to all things... had always been the source from the time of creation of man what it was that man was to do and not to do himself... and the commandment of NOT partaking of knowledge of good and evil from another source? Did the serpent in the garden not start out by getting the woman to "consider" what he was saying to her about God and about her position and likeness with this God? To challenge her to question what she already knew.... verses what someone else was telling her about this God???
Do you not see how Christianity itself has become the serpent in the garden as outlined in the bible by trying to get people by their own testimonies to "consider" what they are saying about God... and what they need to do with God, or believe about God... or all the rest... rather than trusting what their own bibles says that this God started doing from the very creation of all things.. which was to speak to them and give them instructions on what they were to do and not to do?
If you are willing to make any assumptions that anything in the pages of the bible are truth... or that any of the reputation of this God from its pages and the traditions of hearkening to the voice of another you've done personally in your own life as many others have.... then can you not see the "truth" that the opening pages of the book of Genesis shares with us all... which is the reason you have the testimony that you're wanting to share.... and the reason that so much of the turmoil has been in your own life... and in the lives of the people in the whole world.... how it is that sin entered the world from the beginning was when man, having knowing from God directly what it is that he is to do and not to do.... hearkened instead to another voice and brought all this mess into the world???? :)
V: Denise, you certainly intuit a lot from the account. But I think you're way far into confirmation bias since the things you've stated are things you've stated in response to virtually every post I've made. No mater what the topic, you state the same things. Your struggle to maintain that mindset forces you to interpret each post in the same light. The same words, " Who told you; Voice of another; only from God" appear in all your post to me, as objection points to things I express. I think we are well beyond denying that your mind runs within the boundaries of this mindset, and is hard pressed to see another view.
ReplyDeleteAnd another view does exist. In fact there are several other ways to view the testimony. For a sensory person without religious inclinations, it might appear as just a bunch of hogwash or fanciful. At face value it might just be a nut.
Another way to look at it at face value, is that it was exactly as described. Events were as stated, the conflict unfolded as stated, and the resolution took place exactly as stated. In this way of thinking, it is a powerful testimony.
As a fellow intuitive like you Denise, I tend to interpreted the event not only as face value events with stated outcomes conveying a powerful message, but I also tend to think of the metaphor of life and reality. Is this event itself a message of a higher reality? Does it have predictive aspects concerning the conflict of God with sexual immorality? Does it say, that the day is coming when the beings and individuals perpetrating sexual lewdness and exploitations will face a banishment from God and trouble us no longer?
I mention these other levels of viewing the testimony so that you might be aware there are other ways of thinking about things and so that you could attempt to expand your repertoire' and break out of the ruts you express repeatedly.
One of the things that is most powerfully stated in the event, is that I see that God was willing not only to listen to the prayer of the unworthy, but was very willing to banish agencies of evil.
Nope Vatic... this is to question you on what you're sharing and have repeatedly said and shared that exposes your own mindset and how hard pressed you are to see another view yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe bible from which you take so much of the things that you write about including calling yourself a prophet, teaches that from the beginning that the only commandment of "NOT" doing something that God gave man was not to partake of the knowledge of good and evil from any other source. That hearkening to the voice of another was what resulted in ADAM being drove out of the garden, and guilt, shame and misery coming into his life as well as for many the way that sin entered the entire world, altering all of the creation of this same God from being "good" as the bible says that God seen it... to being some "sin natured" beings.
So I'm not forced to interpret anything Vatic... you have and continue to expose your own mindsets in all of this and have... so maybe you should consider that your own mind runs within the boundaries of the mindset of you being a prophet, and the other things that you've told us all about yourself... and how really hard pressed it is for you to be willing to see another view, even in light of what the bible, that you take so many references from tells us from its beginning. :)
No one has said that it doesn't Vatic... however, you tell me honestly within the culture and religious influences that have been and continue to be in our world today how it is that a person, sensory or not can view something without religious inclinations? Tell me how it is that a person is to read what you write, after you've made a public profession about being a prophet, and then say that your testimony/writings should be viewed without religious inclinations when you've been the one to assign those religious inclinations to all of it yourself by claiming yourself to be a prophet of God and taking so many of the things that you write about from references in the pages of the bible?
ReplyDeleteVatic, I am very aware that many people can think and see things however they choose to do so.... however what you seem to discount is that when you make the statements that you have about you being a prophet of God and then you want people to take what you actually write as exactly as you describe... and that doing so makes it a powerful testimony, is where the problem comes in.
You see it as being a powerful testimony.... however.... the basis is simply because it was something you see as powerful yourself. It is what you say happened to you and in your own life and that is what makes it powerful to you.... but you fail to understand that it won't be the same for another.. nor should it be. This is the experience you record of your own life and living and your own understanding for it is the basis for which it all comes. You were influenced and had been by religious inclinations and therefore you were dealing with these things in your own life based on those original religious inclinations. This is the part that you seem to be unwilling to realize that are your own mindset, and you are very very very hard pressed to see another view of it all yourself. You have one view of it... no other possibilities.... you don't consider the religious inclinations that were already created in your mind that brought all of this about in the first place... so when someone questions you about them.... or asked you the questions as I have as to "who has told you this", or whether you "hearkened to the voice of another" about this... you see that it is me that is affixed to some mindset instead of realizing that it is being asked for you to consider your own mindset on this... not mine. :)
See again you refer to yourself as an intuitive here.... and state that you tend to interpret the events conveying a powerful message.... but then you drop right back into the religious inclinations that your own mindset has affixed to them all.. because that is the basis for them all in the first place. Had man not partaken from the knowledge of good and evil from another source in the bible and continually done so... there wouldn't have been this knowledge of good and evil about sexuality and God in the first place. There is nothing in the beginning of the bible, where God ever gives any commandments about what you call "sexual morality" until after the children of Israel were lead out of Egypt, and after they had repeatedly failed to hear from God and trust in God and only God.
ReplyDeleteSee what you don't seem to understand and other Christians don't as well is what is in the actual pages of the bible in detail and specifics. You take what you call "sexual morality" from the bible, which was given to people that continually rebelled against God and refused to hear from their God and obey what they heard from their God in the first place. These things are not found in the pages of the bible at all until Moses lead them out of Egypt, and into the wilderness and they seen first hand the "hand of God" and the "power of God" to provide for them and yet they still refused to come up the mount and hear from God directly.
So the premise within your own mindset is a religious inclination and a distinction that was created in your own mind from that or you would not have seen an conflict between what you call "sexual morality" and God to begin with. If you had not not been hearkening to the voice of another about all of these things... you wouldn't have had the war going on within you to begin with... nor would your mind and thought felt the need to wage war against those things within your own mind because you were convinced that your God, and the understanding that you had had from your God from others... was what you had to honor. So tell me honestly, where is it that all these ideas and thoughts about what is "sexual lewdness" and "sexual immorality" come from other than from religious inclinations?
Yes... I know this is what you see for yourself... but tell me this.. whatever gave you the idea in the first place that God wasn't willing to listen to the prayer of someone that another person said was unworthy in the first place?
ReplyDeleteWho told you that you were unworthy for you to have formulated this mindset about yourself in the first place? Who told you that this God would not hear the prayers of the unworthy? Who told you that there was any agencies of evil that this God would need to banish from you or anyone else? Can you not see that you got all of this mindset as the direct result of religious inclinations .... of hearkening to the voice of another about all of these things.... and that has been and still is the basis for which you share so much of this?
Ask yourself one question... who was it that ever told you that you were a sinner in the first place? Was it not religious inclinations... hearkening to the voice of another on this point as well? I've yet to meet one person that without having read a bible, or been in a society influenced by religious inclinations that refers to himself or anyone else as a sinner... nor would have any reason to do so.... because these things have not come to them from the mouth of any God in the first place. The ideas and thoughts on all of this are religious inclinations that come into the mind of a person as a direct result of hearkening to the voice of another... :(