Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bible Translations: A Blast From The past

Here is another blurb from the defunct Holy Smoke Fidonet Echo. This one concerns Bible Translations

From: Bryson Hughes

To: all

Date: 1997-03-06 01:05:17

Subject: bible translations  


EID:a561 226608a0
MSGID: 1:116/17.0 331f3908
-=> Quoting Sandy J. Hooper to Rodney Barnes <=-

SJH> Also, don't you believe you have the inerrant, infallible
SJH> Bible?

I know you asked Rodney this question, But I wanted to state that there
no inerrant, infallable, plenarily complete Bible or compiled word of God.
There are only imperfect Bibles.

RB> But this is
RB> not supported in scripture and credable bible scholarship.

SJH> What is not supported in scripture?  I believe I have the
SJH> "scriptures" (2 Tim. 3:16), don't you?

Sandy, when Paul wrote the Letter to Timothy, it was just a letter and not
considered scripture by the Apostle himself. Nor was the Apostle talking
about the Bible, since it didn't exist for about 300 years to come.
The Apostle was talking about sacred text that were available to Him and
his contemporaries, and even sacred doctrines that may not have been
in writing. What is being spoken of in Timothy is not what we now have
called the Bible. If you went back in time and told Paul you liked what
said about the Bible, he wouldn't know what you were talking about, since
bible didn't exist in his day, nor could he have possibly commented on it.

SJH> Do you know where I can get the inerrant, infallible Bible from,
SJH> and if so, could I get a copy of it in English?

There are none in existance, and never will be. Your best bet is to become
a scholar and understand the background of scriptures, the history of
the idea of canon, and the influences upon those text included in the
Bible. Canonicity and complete Bible are not (ahem) scriptural doctrines.

There are many source texts which the writings of the Bible have drawn upon.
To name a few that Paul drew upon where Enoch, Jannes and Jambres, the Death
of Moses, the Martrydom of Isaiah. The Book of Jude draws upon Enoch.
Revelations draws upon the creation themes from the Babylonians, as does
and the Psalmist David. The Gospel of John includes Helenistic creation
and a hymn that is based upon them in the first 18 verses. Indeed they are
NOT the teachings of John the Apostle.

Also, many of the Bible's books are Psuedapigraphic, that is not written
the person whos name is on it. Moses didn't write Deuteronomy, Daniel didn't
write Daniel, Matthew didn't write Matthew, nor did John write the Gospel
John. Isaiah had at least two and probably three authors. Solomon didn't
compile Proverbs, and most of the sayings recorded there and attributed
Solomon, are actually the proverbs of and Egyptian (can't remember his name).
In fact, they use the Egytian text to restore questionable areas of Proverbs.

Yet these athoritative source materials for the authors of the scriptures,
left out of the bible!

Then we get into the area of mistranslations! Oh dear, it seems Lightning
was not spoken of by "Jesus" in referance to either the devil or his
second coming. And the name JESUS is not Jesus' name. His name is Yeshua,
Y'shua or Yahashua. In our corruption of Hebrew names we would say at
best Joshua and at the most tortured level "Jesus". And some versions of
the bible refer to the Magi as "ASTROLOGERS"! Can you believe that?
And then we have the word dusk in greek translated as "dawn".

Then there are the books mentioned but not included, such as the Book of
the Wars of the Lord.

I'm not saying all this to discredit our faith. I BELIEVE GOD when he speaks.
Therefore as a God fearing man, I tell the truth about the Bible and do
try to cover up the truth for fear of discrediting the faith of Messiah.
Indeed, by facing the truth, our faith becomes purer.

... PROPHET BRYSON and The ANGELS -***- WORLD * TOUR -***- 1997
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* Origin: Skeeter Haven  "Nashville, TN" (615) 872-8609 (1:116/17)
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