“The One Eyed Union”
I suppose I had managed to get a little bit too much attention from the occult circles in my neighborhood. Ike and company were about to play an elaborate prank on me.
Ike and I both had arrived at Rex’s house and the three of us decided to take a good long drive for no good reason. We seemed to navigate aimlessly with Ike suggesting routes to take. Things were pleasant and I was in the back seat just riding along while Rex and Ike held up the bulk of conversation up front. Rex suddenly held up a cigar and said in a buoyant tone, “Hey Bryson! Have a cigar!” as if it was all in great fun. Ike just laughed about it. I decided I may as well have a cigar just for kicks, though I really had no affinity for tobacco in any form. I took the offer and lit that cigar and puffed it lightly and slowly now and then. Honestly I doubt I got much more than a bad taste in my mouth from that thing. I didn’t realize at the time, that cigar was a device provided most likely by Ike. But maybe Rex actually got the cigar. I don’t know.
Every once in a while Ike would nonchalantly point out something to me, some feature of the land, some object or some reason for me to look in some direction. But what I was actually intended to see were certain individuals prominently positioned in proximity of the area I was to be looking. Above that, the actual thing I was intended to notice was how the people were looking my way with a big one eyed stare. The people had their other eye squinted shut, covered by a patch, or covered with a hand or what ever. But the idea was that time and again there would be some person looking strangely at us, me, or at the car as we drove by, with this one eyed gaze. It started near our usual haunts and concluded far out into the next county, which was Wilson County.
Then Ike pointed out this farm area to me. I looked into this area just in time to see this old man standing close to the road as we passed. This old man was giving me the all time googleyest one pop eyed glare of them all! It was ugly! Then just as we had passed the googley eyed old man, we drove by the purest white goat just standing right by the road as if begging to be seen. This goat was a classic! This completely white, fat goat had two long horns and its clean bright whiteness stood out sharply against the lush green background of the countryside. The creature actually looked comical in its extreme goatishness.
I contemplated all this, and figured some pranksters had purposefully placed the goat there so conspicuously, to suggest some kind of goat devil occult thing. All the one eyed stares I had gotten that day certainly didn’t strike me as just coincidence either. But I was cool and was just riding it out. But right after seeing the old man and then the goat, I happened to notice a little twinge in my stomach. It was very small and nothing at all. I figured it was just one of those little stomach things that anyone gets once in a while. It lasted about two seconds.
But for the fun of it I decided to correlate my small stomach twitch to all those one pop eyed looks I was getting from so many strangers. So for amusement I said, “All those one eyed looks are about to kill me.” Ike jerked his head toward Rex and looked at Rex with growing mirth until he burst out laughing! As far as he was concerned I had fallen for the prank completely. He believed I actually thought I was being killed by the one eyed looks of his confederates. The cigar was the device to induce feelings of discomfort in the tummy, like tobacco does for many. I was supposed to believe getting ill from the cigar, was the beginning of my own death throes from the curse spell of those one eyed stares.
Of course I didn’t believe any such a thing. But the correlation was handy and amusing, until I realized this is exactly what Ike wanted me to believe. I kept quiet about what I really thought, and my opinion of the whole scheme. But the most mind bending thing to me was how many people were actually involved. It reinforced strongly the idea that a lot people were involved in this occult underground. I was beginning to think at that point, the occultist were a little sick minded as a group. My interest was in having a firm grasp of who they were and what they were about; never in being one of them.
Shortly, fooling occultist into thinking I was among them became a mode of interaction so that I could learn more about what was going on. The one eyed thing did a lot to turn me off concerning them, and I smelled manipulation and exploitation. That was a crime against the cause of love, peace and harmony.
Later on, Rex mentioned to me, that the crux of the prank was that the cigar was supposed to make the person feel a bit ill and cause him to think he was dying. So now for Rex it was just a silly prank and he seemed to see nothing deeper about it. I extended the benefit of a doubt in my mind concerning Rex. But in Ike, I sensed the prank was purposeful and directed. It had made a larger statement about the group as a whole. Was I supposed to conclude they were lethal spell binders? Was I supposed to fear them, or lust for a position of mutual ability to induce fear in the naive?
What could be the motive for wanting to induce fear in others? I could only come up with one answer: Servitude and exploitation. This motive did a lot to explain a strange companion who often spent time with Ike, named Kerry Legion. This strange little man was a social misfit who spoke in almost inaudible tones, and who seemed to have an unlimited amount of time, money and transportation to spend kicking around with Ike. I had often thought he seemed a lot like a slave to Ike. The more I discovered or was shown concerning this occult subculture, the more I was repulsed, yet intrigued. I was enjoying the hunt at least, even if I was becoming the bait.
This raises many thoughts and questions, Bryson, though none I would classify as being most unusual.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I have to ask is to what degree your friends knew you.
I can see from CBED that different people view you in a variety of ways, and not always in the manner that they express. For example Loren has of late been in more of a ridiculing mood, even though I suspect that this is only to needle you. At the same time he still has a lot of respect for you - just my intuition speaking.
Friends at a young age do all sorts of things which are really not aimed at a particular person but in some attempt to show their other friends how clever they are.
It would seem that you were an easy target because you probably voiced certain sentiments based on your unusual experiences.
I don't really see any occult behaviour in their actions, and you may be reading more into them than was ever intended.
Was there, do you think, supposed to be some sinister message in their covering one eye? That could go back to something you had said, which you may or may not have remembered. In fact, they may have been mocking just as much, the man with the googley eye. They may have been hoping to see some big reaction when you were confronted by him, which in turn could have set the old man off.
The one-eyed stares sound far too infantile to have been taken seriously by anyone. But then I have no idea what your friends may have been thinking. Could they have really expected that you of all people would be affected by such foolishness?
If they did, then this tells me that they were of little understanding.
I have thought back to see if I can recall any such like circumstances aimed at myself, and I don't recall any, though I have always made no secret of my own experiences and beliefs.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I am always here to help.
There is one thing I definately agree with you one Malcolm. It raises many questions and it is disorienting.
ReplyDeleteM: The first thing I have to ask is to what degree your friends knew you.
V: The main two people in this account were several yers older than me. Rex and Ike were old guys to me even though they were in their mid twenties. They had known me for about three years at this point. We had spent a lot of time together by the time I was 18 in this episode. The change in how Ike interacted around me came shortly after I became a legal adult. Ike was being uncharacteristically open with me at this point since he was a secretive man. He was the main occult contact point for me. Others were ketp in the periphery. I suppose Ike was my handler. Ike informed me of his occult existence in a previous episode. Ike and Rex both knew me well and as transitioning from teenager to adult.
M: It would seem that you were an easy target because you probably voiced certain sentiments based on your unusual experiences.
V: At this point things hadn't gotten too out of hand and I had only just began to have my own experiences. After a while though, the sheer amount of strangness kind of completely disoriented me and functionally, I was cracked up. But it was temporary as I thought my way through things reconstructing a framework of referance. But I am an easy target since I project harmlessness, goofy intellect and innocent affection for people.
M: I don't really see any occult behaviour in their actions, and you may be reading more into them than was ever intended.
V: Wonderful. Now you're catching on to the intrigue. The occult is not supposed to be obvious, and deniability is the main device for the defense of its secrecy. I'm entertained that you are sharing in the questions that arise. The accounts are intended to allow the reader to share in the disorientation for special effect.
M: The one-eyed stares sound far too infantile to have been taken seriously by anyone. But then I have no idea what your friends may have been thinking. Could they have really expected that you of all people would be affected by such foolishness?
If they did, then this tells me that they were of little understanding.
V: I was a boy man. I was intelligent, but not sagacious. It may be infantile sounding, but then again, that response may be exactly the response the occult would depend on, to not be taken seriously. There is meaning behind the one eyed look. I will hint to you that it has to do with the watchers. I rationalized the activity at the time, and dismissed it as a perverse prank having to do with manipulation and exploitations. But the meaning is still there for those who recognize it.
Wouild you like another example of the occult in action?
ReplyDeleteMalcolm : I can see from CBED that different people view you in a variety of ways, and not always in the manner that they express. For example Loren has of late been in more of a ridiculing mood, even though I suspect that this is only to needle you. At the same time he still has a lot of respect for you - just my intuition speaking.
ReplyDeleteCBB : The more I read from Vatic, the easier it is for me to understand his problem. He has all of the classic signs of schizophrenia. Voices, visions, inability to connect cause and effect, etc.........
This is not complicated at all. The fact that he has been diagnosed as such by professionals is just icing on the cake. To ask him to behave any differently is like asking a cat to bark.
Bryson: What could be the motive for wanting to induce fear in others? I could only come up with one answer: Servitude and exploitation.
ReplyDeleteLois: Or maybe your friends were just asshats, and not very bright, either. Seriously, this part: "Later on, Rex mentioned to me, that the crux of the prank was that the cigar was supposed to make the person feel a bit ill and cause him to think he was dying." Who would imagine that someone would think they were dying just from smoking a cigar? If they had never smoked one before, they probably would get sick, but would hardly be likely to think they were dying. That's just stupid. Whatever your friends were up to (if anything), they were clearly imbeciles.
Malcolm: Was there, do you think, supposed to be some sinister message in their covering one eye?
Lois: Yes. There is a one-eyed pyramid on the American dollar bill. Clearly, the Freemasons are involved.
If I may, by it's own admission the occult and it's manipulative and exploitative devices depend on the existence of supernatural beings and their influence(though not LaVeyan satanism, directly or acknowledgedly, and some others, perhaps). "V" has illustrated their subtle and subversive character by his account and replies to "M"'s questions, and the readers even more so by their questions, from this perspective. Then again, these beings no more exist than the story itself is authentic. Why is it being entertained?
ReplyDeleteIf all of this is prefaced by an admission of diagnosis of mental illness, then either the critics are proud of winning a race after being set two feet from the finish line while one guy with a broken leg and a cane was set at the gate, or the whole race is a ruse and the guy at the gate owns the track, the trophy, and has paid the refs and spectators to play along.
Lois: Or maybe your friends were just asshats, and not very bright, either...Who would imagine that someone would think they were dying just from smoking a cigar? If they had never smoked one before, they probably would get sick, but would hardly be likely to think they were dying. That's just stupid. Whatever your friends were up to (if anything), they were clearly imbeciles.
Requiring that deliberately manipulative, deceptive and deceived people be intelligent is like requiring that someone not be schizophrenic before trying to reason with them or entertaining their "crazy talk".
Lois: Seriously, this part: "Later on, Rex mentioned to me, that the crux of the prank was that the cigar was supposed to make the person feel a bit ill and cause him to think he was dying." Who would imagine that someone would think they were dying just from smoking a cigar? If they had never smoked one before, they probably would get sick, but would hardly be likely to think they were dying. That's just stupid. Whatever your friends were up to (if anything), they were clearly imbeciles.
ReplyDeleteV: Lois, while I didn't actually come to that conclusion, I did realize this was where the prank was driving at. I personally am a highly suggestible individual and have difficulty spotting simple lies, facetiousness and other things most people have no trouble catching onto. Lois the prank can be laughed off because it is so mundane, However if you were going to test the suggestibility of an individual and implant awareness of occult symbolism and suggest the power behind them, this prank would be just he ticket. Even if busted, it leaves it's own out as just a silly prank.
I have seen this prank played out in other settings by those completely unconnected with the group being discussed here. One of the innovative discomfort devices I saw besides tobacco, was orange peel pulp. Fortunately for me my rational side was dominating the moment and the cause and effect of cigars was obvious to me, so that I didn't actually connect any discomfort with the dominant feature of the day, which was the many confederates' one eyed glares.
Vatic : I personally am a highly suggestible individual and have difficulty spotting simple lies, facetiousness and other things most people have no trouble catching onto.
ReplyDeleteCBB : I am shocked.
Vatic : I personally am a highly suggestible individual and have difficulty spotting simple lies, facetiousness and other things most people have no trouble catching onto.
ReplyDeleteBravo. You ain't missin' nothin'.
Merk: If all of this is prefaced by an admission of diagnosis of mental illness, then either the critics are proud of winning a race after being set two feet from the finish line while one guy with a broken leg and a cane was set at the gate, or the whole race is a ruse and the guy at the gate owns the track, the trophy, and has paid the refs and spectators to play along.
ReplyDeleteV: (grin) Such a grasp of nuance and ramifications.... Who was that merksed man? (grin)
Vatic: Lois the prank can be laughed off because it is so mundane, However if you were going to test the suggestibility of an individual and implant awareness of occult symbolism and suggest the power behind them, this prank would be just he ticket. Even if busted, it leaves it's own out as just a silly prank.
ReplyDeleteLois: No, "just the ticket" would be to slip Ex-Lax into someone's drink.
Tex: What the hell is a "one eyed glare" anyway???
ReplyDeleteLois: People squinting with one eye shut, or they have an eye patch, or they cover one eye with their hand, something like that so they're staring with only one eye. Poor Vatic imagined all these people staring at him this way, and he imagined that there was some conspiracy against him. While I have no doubt that this was all very, very real to him at the time (and probably a bit scary), I also have no doubt that most, if not all, of it was not real at all. I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through life seeing these visions and hearing these voices. It must be frightening. Vatic may think it is a blessing, but I think schizophrenia is one of the worst curses anyone can be burdened with.
ReplyDeleteLois: People squinting with one eye shut...........
ReplyDeleteCBB : Indeed. Lois ( as usual ) is the first to figure this out.
Tex: What the hell is a "one eyed glare" anyway???
ReplyDeleteV: An elaborate prank being played by my occultist handler, in which a group of people were involved in which they wanted to impress me that they had the evil eye.
Tex:CBB, I know you wish you were me but you're not.
ReplyDeleteCBB : How do you like sitting on that block of ice, Tex?
ReplyDeleteCBB : How do you like sitting on that block of ice, Tex?
ReplyDeleteTex: It's boring without me, isn't CBB? You nonbelievers padding yourselves on the shoulders all day, gets a bit mundane, doesn't it.:)
Tex: CBB, I know you wish you were me but you're not.
ReplyDeleteLois: I'm sure he'll get over it.