Saturday, September 17, 2011
Messiaic Manifesto: The Teachings of Paul
Friday, September 16, 2011
Messianic Manifesto on the Ontology (being) of Jesus
My years of observation of all the various discourse on the being of Jesus has revealed to me the virtually nobody really understands who Jesus is as a being. That will be remedied in the Messianic Manifesto in such a way that Jesus will be understood to be the very source of, and the unity between, Jewish testimony and Christian testimony.
This will unify the faith wholly instead of the present fallacy of their being two religions such as is popularly mischaracterized. The unity will be in understanding who Jesus really is as a being.
Messianic Manifesto and Trinity Doctrines
Friday, September 9, 2011
Messianic Manifesto
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Ten Principles of a Free Society: By Kit.
1. Rights belong to individuals, not groups; they derive from our nature and can neither be granted nor taken away by government.
2. All peaceful, voluntary economic and social associations are permitted; consent is the basis of the social and economic order.
3. Justly acquired property is privately owned by individuals and voluntary groups, and this ownership cannot be arbitrarily voided by governments.
4. Government may not redistribute private wealth or grant special privileges to any individual or group.
5. Individuals are responsible for their own actions; government cannot and should not protect us from ourselves.
6. Government may not claim the monopoly over a people's money and governments must never engage in official counterfeiting, even in the name of macroeconomic stability.
7. Aggressive wars, even when called preventative, and even when they pertain only to trade relations, are forbidden.
8. Jury nullification, that is, the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts, is a right of the people and the courtroom norm.
9. All forms of involuntary servitude are prohibited, not only slavery but also conscription, forced association, and forced welfare distribution.
10. Government must obey the law that it expects other people to obey and thereby must never use force to mold behavior, manipulate social outcomes, manage the economy, or tell other countries how to behave.