Thursday, May 12, 2011

Prophets, Madmen and Genius

I'm linking off this article for your consideration:

I so understood the social attitudes described in this article.


A Long Trip

I have just arrived at the town to deliver my freight for crossing into Mexico, and the trip is almost over. I started my trip in St. Johns, Newfoundland, which is as far east as a North American truck can go. I crossed 6 time zones and am now in Pacific time. it has been a long trip that was well over 4000 miles long. Glad it is almost done.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Stars of Glory" in App Format

I want to announce that "Stars of Glory: An Odyssey in Reality" will soon be available as a stand alone application for all smart devices and formats including iPhone, Androids, HP web OS, and all other systems, for those of you who use smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices.

I sincerely hope that offering this wonderful story as an App Book will facilitate your ability to access and enjoy the book.